Love For A Lifetime

Since I started writing songs over 35 years ago one thing has remained consistent. I write for the gap. When I have an ‘aha’ moment; something that I’m drawn to sing – if I can’t find a song already written that expresses it, that gap becomes my songwriting assignment and I do my best to fill it. A few years ago, I started noticing a gap; a lack of songs about long, faithful love. Not just songs about ‘falling in love’ and initial attraction, but about love that lasts a lifetime. And so, I began to write, not just sparked by the love that Joyce and I have shared since we started dating in 1981, but for couples everywhere who have experienced the wonder and challenges of staying in love.

I’m also writing love songs that reflect how our love is rooted in the unconditional love of God. Recently I was surprised to discover that I’ve written 40 songs. Joyce and I will share our 40th Anniversary this coming November, so reaching that number of songs put me over the tipping point – it feels like the right time to do something. But what to do? Most artists these days just release single songs; that’s what I’ve been doing the past couple of years as well. One of the reasons is that albums cost as much to make as when they sold for $20 but now, they are given away virtually for free on streaming sites. When I was a bit overwhelmed and unsure what to do, once again, my wife and creative partner had a good idea.

What if couples who have experienced their own
‘long love’
sponsor a love song?

What if their love and contribution helps birth
a new love song
into the world?

Joyce and I are announcing an upcoming ‘Love For A Lifetime’ album (name could change) and inviting you to help us so that these love songs can be released out into the world to inspire and serve people on their journey of long, faithful love. Our goal is to release a 12-song album and accompanying TV style special. That means we are looking for 12 couples (or more if a few couples band together) to sponsor a song. Joyce and I know this project is not just about our relationship; it’s also for other couples who have walked the road of faithful love. Even those who have lost their partner. (Someone like that could dedicate a song to their memory.) For those who join us on this project, it’s going to be a special time of community and creativity.

Here’s our plan.

1. Let us know that you are intrigued and interested.

Our current estimate of cost to sponsor a song is $5,000 (which is for audio production costs, artwork and design and film production costs.)  If you’re not able to help sponsor a full song, you can gather several couples together and do it together. If you just want to contribute any amount and be thanked in the liner notes, that’s also an option. 
(cutting the cake on our wedding day, Nov 24 1984)

2. Let’s meet!

Once we have received interest from a potential song sponsor, we will set up a group Zoom call where we meet and share more of the vision and details and explain how it will work. If you want, you can share a summary of your love story with Joyce and me. We will share the lyrics of the songs and you can express which ones you connect with, and we will do our best to pair you with a song (that will be dedicated to you in whatever form and place the song is released). We have whittled down the 40 songs to about 20, and we’re looking for your input to help us choose the 12 songs for the album. Your ‘vote’ will have some weight. It’s also possible that once a couple is paired with a song, their unique love story could inform a final lyrical edit of the song – there are many possibilities. 
(Young love, 1985)

3. Marking the deadline

If we want to make this album this year, we need couples to make a commitment by June, so we know where we are at, and if we have enough support to proceed.
(Langley B.C, 1997)

4. Song Selection

If all goes according to plan, by late June / early July we will select the 10 - 12 songs that will be on the album. We will then go to work arranging and preparing the songs to be recorded.
(The ‘Grateful’ era, 2017)

5. Filming Option

In addition to the studio audio recording of the songs, we are considering filming these songs in a special small intimate live event where sponsoring couples and other selected people will be invited to join us. Opportunity may be given in this context for some couples to share their story. Imagine being in a room with about a dozen couples who have experienced long love encouraging each other. In that same space will be myself along with some musicians as we create the soundtrack for the experience based on songs from the album. The result of this will be a special that once edited and mixed can be shared with the world several months later. Target date for this live event is currently September 2024 in Abbotsford BC. 
(Victoria B.C, 2018)

6. Exclusive Release

Our 40th wedding anniversary is on Nov 24, 2024. Our hope is to have at least a partial exclusive release of perhaps the first few songs for our partners by this date.  It’s possible that the public release will happen around February to spring 2025. To be determined based on our progress.
(California, Jan 2023)

My hope and prayer is that these love songs will sing into the gaps in our world, serving people, and inspiring people to make choices that lead to them experiencing the wonder and grace that comes with a lifetime love. If you’re interested, we would love to hear from you. Send us an email to with a subject line ‘Love Songs Album Sponsorship’ I hope this message finds its way to couples who would find joy in joining us on our mission of encouraging more faithful lifetime love in our world.

Brian & Joyce